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Hello!Welcome to Eyka's World.


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Edit by: Timi
basecode: Nurul AtiQah
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new life again ? ok thanks.

Assalamualaikum semua dan salam jumaat jugak yee. Hihi ok eeee sapeeetuuuu ? teeettt k sayalah..
senyuman itu pewnuh kepura-puraan. Lewls. mcam lah kesah. Ok !
Dah makan ? mandi ? berak ? upssss *lari sembunyi blkng tiang*
k harap you day will go smoothly ok. woo cpeaking pulak toman ni yoo. eheee ...

okey you , haa you yang perasan I suka you tuu. Ekcely i dah lupa you la. Ahaks, k joke -,-
Ya allah ! susah kan nak lupa dia. K takpa kita gegurls yg comel -2 ni 
mesti kuat and always move on aite? k good... hehe kita kuat yeay ! yebbbeeee ...
bercinta-cintun di zaman persekolahan sngat childlish maybe. Hukhukhuk. k jngan terasa k.
 'hehehehehehe ' 

Dah stooooppp pasal nonsense story ? Whatttt ? no no no k its reality k !* serius face* amacam ?
k takut lerrtuuu. yuckss *troll face* ok lah sekrang ni fokus PMR jeh. 
toksah semak kepala yoo pikirkan jantan keparat itu. tewww ayat ? bolehh laa. hehe...
okey watcool eh semua. everything has to move on kan ? k cheers baby cheers. mwhahaa..


duhai hati , bersabarlah okey ? Hihi i 'know i'm a little strong. Yeah ! Wassup brooookkk ? 
okey tak hidup camnik ? Ok and ok. Dah lah serabut otak nak menghafal lagi and others ! huh ! soo stress.
And buat insan yg aku pernah sayang dulu tu i hope you will become a good man ! Insyaallah ... 
Saya tahu saya kuat. Bye-bye . 
Salam sayang semua! xx be strong . Hukhukhuk''